Jeff Sessions Doubles Down On His Hawaii Insult

Even though I insulted the State of Hawaii by referring to it as "an Island in the Pacific", the weather is still lovely!

The most authoritarian Attorney General in US history, Jeff Sessions, took a lot of heat on Thursday for making nasty and ignorant remarks about the state of Hawaii and the judge who ruled against Trump's "Muslim ban" executive order.

On Friday he joined CNN's Kate Bolduan and doubled down on those comments, refusing to back off his original response and instead said, "I don't know that I said anything I'd want to phrase differently."

He dog-whistled the state of Hawaii by describing it as "an island in the Pacific" and criticized the judge who followed the law in putting a halt to Trump's unconstitutional immigration order.

Sessions has an affinity for being interviewed by the fever swamps of extreme right wing ideology. Naturally, he made his barbaric comments to Mark Levin:

"I really am amazed that a judge sitting on an island in the Pacific can issue an order that stops the President of the United States from what appears to be clearly his statutory and Constitutional power," Sessions said.

Coming from the attorney general, this is beyond ignorance, but it's Jeff Sessions, a white nationalists' nationalist.

Does the man not know how governance or the judiciary works?

Aaron Blake of the Washington Post writes:

Derrick Watson is actually a federal judge who happens to serve on a district court in Hawaii. And in case you were wondering, he has some of that all-important mainland experience and perspective, having worked as a lawyer in San Francisco.

CNN host Kate Bolduan asked, "Were you disrespecting the judge, Mr. Attorney?"

She asked him if he disrespected the judge and he referred to Hawaii as an island again, saying, "No, I wasn't criticizing the judge or the island. (It's a fu*king state!) I think an island is a fabulous place. I've got a granddaughter born there."

Are you bringing your granddaughter into your excuse, Mr. Sessions? Okay. Can we see your granddaughter's BIRTH CERTIFICATE, Mr. Sessions? Because your whole party never took "born in Hawaii" to mean "real American" now, did they? Oh wait. She's White, isn't she. Isn't she?

Then he went on to attack the way our court system works at the federal level.

Session said, "It is a point worth making that a single sitting district judge out of 700 district judges, can issue an order stopping a presidential executive order -- and I was just raising the point of that issue of a single judge taking such a dramatic action and the impact it can have."

Yes, a federal judge can stop a president from acting in a racist unconstitutional manner with an Executive Order. In fact, barring an override from the Republican Congress (make me laugh), a Federal Judge is the only person who CAN do that. Moving on....

Bolduan replied, "Did you wish you had phrased that differently now?

Sessions said, "Well, I don't know that I said anything that I would want to phrase differently. No, we're going to defend the president's order."

This pompous authoritarian fool has enormous power and it's scary.

I don't think anyone in the Trump administration should do any golfing in Hawaii anytime soon.

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