After Juan Williams Calls Trumpcare 'A Fraud,' Fox News Panel Freaks

Juan Williams calls the members of The Five "mentally ill" after listening to their praise of Trump the passage of the AHCA in the House.

During Thursday night's "The Five," the conservative panel members were praising Trump for getting the House bill passed.

But when co-host Juan Williams started to actually describe what would happen to Americans under the Trumpcare bill, the panel melted down.

Greg Gutfeld said that any bill which gets the government out of your lives is a good thing, and added in typical Gufeld snark. "If government had invented the wheel, it would be square and made of snakes."

Jessie Watters, back from a forced time-out due to his sexist microphone joke about Ivanka said that Trump was "on the ropes big time," but came back on the House healthcare bill and that Paul Ryan saved his job as Speaker. He praised the AHCA because he hoped it would destroy Obama's legacy. Really. That's the motive, folks.

Megan McCain glorified the Freedom Caucus and said she looked forward to Trump putting pressure "on people who would get in the way of repeal and replace."

Kimberly Guilfoyle said Trump will remember those that didn't have his back on the vote and she turned it over to Juan Williams.

Williams said, "I hope it covers mental illness because were seeing a lot of it at the table tonight."

As Williams continued to get into the details of the plan, the panel members kept trying to interrupt him.

Juan continued, "A dose of reality, the doctor's prescription. This is a fraud. This is a guy who didn't get anything done, no legislative accomplishment in the first 100 days - desperate for something he can call a victory."

"He gets pressure - [Megan said Democrats were hysterical] - everybody all the way to Paul Ryan and says 'you must do this.' Reince Priebus pushing this like his life depended on it. But here's the details you haven't heard about, America," Williams said.

"Uninsured, more uninsured people. Remember, 'Oh, I'm going to give you something that covers everybody." Better? Oh, no."

Watters cut in, "if you're young and healthy you don't have to buy it because are not mandated."

Juan continued, "Let me just tell you. What about this? If you're a senior in this country, so many older people voted for president Trump, guess what, now you can be charged five times more for your medical coverage."

Then they all chimed in at once to attack Williams, but he didn't stop..

Juan, "Medicare, hospitals are going to pay more for Medicare. What about the poor? Paying more for premiums and deductions. This is a fraud!

Fox is working double overtime to cover up what actually passed yesterday. They want to keep their viewers in the dark about just how bad it is. Juan Williams would not play along. Wondering will he get a time-out too, for speaking actual truth on Fox?

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