NBC Reporter Asks Spicer Why Trump Is Holding Back Evidence Comey Lied

Spicer's answer proves he's been to the Kellyanne Conway School Of Bluster.

Hallie Jackson asked a simple enough question of Sean Spicer during the press briefing today.

"If the president does have evidence that the FBI director lied under oath, what is he waiting for?," she asked.

Her question relates to the fact that Trump has repeatedly called Comey a liar and a leaker while promising he would prove that "in a short period of time." A moral person would answer Jackson's question, because moral people generally don't toss the term "liar" at someone without some solid evidence there's been a lie, right.

Spicer's answer proves he's attended the Kellyanne Conway School of Bluster and Nonsense, or "Bluffery," as Amato calls it.

"I think the president made it very clear on Friday that he would get back as soon as possible on this and his position on that conversation," Spicer deadpanned, as if he were actually answering a question.

Jackson tried again."So what is he waiting for? What's the delay?"

And another dodge. "He's not waiting for anything. When he's ready to further discuss it, he will, but i think he laid out his position very clearly, very concisely on Friday."

That "clear, concise position" was that Dear Leader would, at a time and place of his choosing, reveal whether he had tapes proving Comey lied. Tapes we all know do not exist. But if they did, odds are they'd show a liar who wasn't James Comey.

It's time for MSNBC and the other networks to stop carrying these press conferences live. They're just another propaganda opportunity for the administration with no substantive information or answers on anything people actually want to know.

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