Jay Sekulow Sticks His Head In The Sand To Defend Trump

If Sekulow actually called the special counsel to find out, he couldn't go on TV and defend Trump

CNN's Chris Cuomo kept asking Jay Sekulow why he hasn't just asked the special counsel if Trump is being investigated instead of making illogical statements on national TV and as ususal for a Trump surrogate, he had no answer.

Jay Sekulow, a staunch pro-life attorney and is now part of Trump's legal counsel then said, "You're asking me to pick up the phone on an investigation that right now we don't know exists?"

Yes, he is.


Sekulow made the Sunday morning talk show rounds to refute Trump's own tweet, that he is being investigated over firing Comey, so how can he make claims that Trump isn't being investigated?

For some sort of deniability, I guess. Nothing Trump surrogates say or do makes any rational sense.

Fox News' Chris Wallace had the best session with Sekulow and really painted him as a nonsensical legal Trump surrogate.

For much of today's segment, Sekulow argued over the same talking points he did on Sunday, so Cuomo pinned him down on one specific aspect of his arguments. Why hasn't he found out definitively if Trump is being investigated.

Cuomo said, "You don't know whether or not that's true. You could know. And why you haven't picked up the phone and find out is a little odd."

Sekulow didn't answer his first attempt and instead tried to re-litigate the Wallace interview.

Cuomo pushed on, "But if you're going to spend so much time on this, why not pick up the phone and get the answer and then you can actually say, 'I asked Mueller, he said no, I'm not.'"

Jay replied, "We have a lot of lawyers on this case. You're asking me to pick up the phone on an investigation that right now we don't know exists."

Say, what?

Sekulow's only purpose these last few days was to go on TV and discuss the investigation into Trump's firing behavior regarding the FBI Director, but he's refusing to find out the reality of the situtation?

Cuomo said, "No, I'm not. Of course you know it's exists and Mueller is looking at this. Why not pick up the phone and find out if it matters so much to the president whether or not he's being looked at."

Sekulow deflected again, saying, "You know there's a difference between investigations, inquiries. There's a whole series of matters you look at before you get to the level of investigation.

Cuomo, "You-could-get-the-answer.

Sekulow, "I don't know what they're doing. I haven't made that call. That's the end of that line of inquiry. That discussion has not happened with us."

But Sekulow keeps screaming that there is no investigation. I mean this is nuts.

Stick your head in the sand, Jay, as long as you like, but you're not fooling anybody except the most loyal Trump followers.

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