Scarborough Calls Out Trump's New Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich

Now we know the price it cost Gingrich to sell his soul to Trump.

During the 2016 general election campaign, there wasn't bigger or more despicable Trump surrogate than Rudy Giuliani . Now Newt Gingrich is trying to take the mantle of the most despicable post-election Trump surrogate.

Since Giuliani has disappeared off the face of the planet, Gingrich has become his most conspiracy-laced surrogate who, for some reason, still receives a cache of good will from the mainstream media, even after being disgraced out of his position of power in Congress back in the 90's.

It was almost a month ago when for former Speaker of the House tweeted what a superb choice Robert Mueller was as special counsel.

Apparently that has all changed for some mysterious reasons. OK, it's not a mystery. Trump has been smearing Jim Comey for weeks now and all things Russia so he obviously instructed Newt to do the same to Mueller.

And in the blink of an eye, the man that Gingrich called "impeccable for honesty and integrity" is now somehow the boogeymen of the "deep state" conspiracy promoted by the Alex Jones' of the alt-right.

Newt was one of the first Trump surrogates to demand Congress fire the special counsel altogether.

He then told CBS that the special counsel is a rigged game.

But he hasn't stopped there.

Earlier today, Newtie decided to use Twitter and rant away.

Who knew Bob Mueller was the king of the "deep state?"

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough took the time then to spank Gingrich for selling his soul to Trump.

What does Scarborough mean when he asks Gingrich "What exactly is the price of an ambassadorship?"

Joe is talking about how Newt's wife was just nominated as the US ambassador to the Vatican.

Let's not forget that Newt has an "understanding Trump" book out this month. Newt knows full well that cable news will never hold him accountable for anything he does or says. He'll be invited back on pundit panels until the day he dies, and while there's a buck to make defending Trump, he'll do it. It's what Driftglass calls "The Gingrich Rules":

"The Gingrich Rules": The Beltway media's secret mutual agreement to go right on granting Gingrich the perks and privileges of being Respected Political Thinker no matter how reckless and repulsive his behavior becomes.

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