Homeland Security Adviser: Trump's Violent CNN Tweet Not Threat Because He's 'A Genuine Person'

Trump is the only authentic person alive!

Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Adviser Thomas Bossert told ABC News that Trump's violent GIF about beating up CNN isn't a threat at all because "he's a genuine president expressing himself genuinely."

Thus, the gaslighting of America continues. Trump was correct on one thing when he said back in January of 2016, "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters."

Trump followers would say that action just makes him more authentic because he's saying the way it is. Trump always has had a handle on the extreme right-wing voters his white nationalistic message was corralling.

ABC's This Week host Martha Raddatz asked the Homeland Security adviser if the images Trump just sent out to millions of his most avid fans was a threat to members of CNN.

Raddatz asked, "Can I just get your reaction to that?

Bossert replied, "So I'm proud of the president for developing a Twitter and a social media platform where he can talk directly to the American people. In fact, he's the most genuine president and the most non-politician president that we've seen in my lifetime. And he's demonstrated -- whatever the content of that particular tweet is or any tweet -- he's demonstrated a genuine ability to communicate to the people."

Bossert was well coached in Trump surrogate talking points about his vile tweets and made the same claims as Kellyanne Conway usually does.

Bossert doesn't answer the direct question, praises Trump's social media following (never mind that almost 50% of his followers are fake accounts and bots) and then describes Donald as being the most authentic president in the last forty years.

Raddatz replied, "But I want to ask you is that the kind of communication you want, that he's beating up on somebody -- That's beating up on the media? You're in charge of homeland security there. That seems like a threat."

If a comedian made a GIF like that and replaced the CNN logo with Trump's face, I dare say the Secret Service would be investigating it as we speak.

However, Bossert replied, "Yes, it's certainly not, though. I think that no one would perceive that as a threat. I hope they don't. But I do think that he's beating up in a way on cable platforms that he has a right to respond to. And that he does that regularly so...

Raddatz, "And you don't think that's a threat to anyone? You don't think that's sending a message, do that to the media, do that to CNN?

Bossert, "No, I certainly don't. I don't think so. And I think that importantly here, he's a genuine president expressing himself genuinely. And to be honest, I think that's why he was elected."

"He's the most genuine person and the people that see politicians and then see him find him to be someone that they can understand and relate to," Bossert said.

Bossert then claimed the media doesn't want to cover any real issues and again, saying, "But it's a good example of you or the media producers here deciding what it is that we're talking about and what it is we don't talk about."

Trump doesn't want to cover any real issues, Tom. That's why he tweets like he does.

Bossert again uses Conway's almost exact words to defend Trump's obnoxious and dangerous behavior. His claims that when a seventy-one year old man tweets out violent and offensive images as if he's a teenager engaged in a temper tantrum, it's his way of reaching the people.

That is as ridiculous as it sounds.

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