This is how our Troller in Chief spends his time. Trump continued his jihad against the media and CNN this weekend:
If you didn't think the latest Twitter tirade and attack on our press freedom was bad enough, here's what we were treated to this morning.
And he's got the nerve to be outraged when people are questioning his mental stability. We've got a man-child with his finger on the button.
Pathetic as it is to have to cover Trump's tweets, what's worse is the shrugging response by Republicans in Congress who have a constitutional duty of checks and balances. Alexandra Petri of The Washington Post offers up a perfect glimpse at their mindset.
I join my voice with the voices of my colleagues to say this “isn’t normal,” is “beneath the dignity of the office,” is “inappropriate,” is “unhinged” and “unpresidential.” Also, it is a distraction from the legislation we are now working on to force the elderly to fight each other with tridents in order to obtain prescription medication.
I look forward to many more acts of such courage.
“I entirely denounce the president’s decision to bite off an infant’s foot,” I will say, on my way to vote for his bill banning all trees once and for all.
I will continue to show him that I believe in the dignity of the office by making snide, cutting remarks to my funders as I urge them to support Trump’s renomination.
It's important to realize that Trump himself isn't the problem. He's just the symptom of the much more troubling problem.
CNN's official response: