Fox News Feigns Outrage Over Melania's Heels, Forgets Constant Michelle Obama Attacks

Spare us the outrage.

On FBN, Stuart Varney and Mercedes Schlapp were furious and found it "contemptuous" that the media highlighted Melania Trump's high heels while she went to Texas during Hurricane Harvey.

On this morning's Varney & Co., Stuart read off headlines from the press about Melania's heels with a snarling contempt as Mercedes Schlapp angrily snapped, "it's beyond pathetic!"

Oh, how they forget.

I wonder if Trump forced her to dress up like that, since it does seem a bit uncouth.

Anyway, so far Melania Trump has been pretty much left alone by the media since Trump took office and that's a good thing, but during Obama's presidency, first lady Michelle Obama was the constant target of vitriol and hatred by every corner of the right wing media.

The term "angry black lady" was immediately imprinted on her back in 2008, by the likes of Bill O'Reilly, and others followed - no matter how many times he denied it.

On Fox News' "Outnumbered," their pot-bellied gasbag from the Medical-A Team, blowhard Dr. Keith Ablow, described Michelle as fat and could stand "to drop a few" pounds when she tried to fight obesity by improving the quality of school lunches for our children.

Mat Drudge smeared Michelle for "wearing borrowed jewelry" at the DNC.

Rush Limbaugh, not too skinny himself, attacked her almost daily, including calling her fat and tracking her caloric intake while eating barbecue.

The Washington Post tracked twenty two separate incidents of Michelle Obama bashing back in 2016. They ranged from attacking her for wearing shorts to calling her a "gorilla face."

It would be bearable to hear their complaints if they hadn't viciously attacked Michelle Obama like no other first lady in modern times.

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