No, Lisa, Gen. Mattis Didn't Say The Same Thing As Trump

The ladies on Fox's 'Outnumbered' call out "disrespect" for the so-called president, even when there isn't any.

Conservatives are now complaining that Gen. Mattis' statements about North Korea aren't being as harshly criticized as President Trump's "fire and fury" words were.

What's a day without a conservative whine?

During Fox News' "Outnumbered," Marie Harf said, "President Trump, because of his language is giving them an external enemy that they can use which can be very dangerous."

Co-host Lisa Boothe said, "No offense, Marie. I'm so sick and tired of the criticism over the fire and fury comment. Jim Mattis who is a student of history, someone who is known for being deeply thoughtful who essentially said the same thing yesterday."

Conservative columnist Jon Concha remarked, "The media bias on Trump, the media bias on Trump, he says something and the apocalypse comes as far as the media reaction. [General] Mattis says essentially the same thing and I don't hear a peep from people criticizing him."

Trish Regan said the Democrats are using Trump's words as a political chip, "We should be making it very clear to North Korea, if you mess with us, the consequences are going to be devastating.

Clearly they haven't taken the time to actually read Mattis' comments.

Recapping, on Tuesday, during an opiod conference, Trump said this about the blustery exchanges between the two leaders in the press after new sanctions were passed:

"North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen," Trump said.

Trump drew his red line at "threats" being made at the United States, which basically means blustery words and putdowns in the media.

The president's words were roundly criticized in a bipartisan fashion because they very plainly outline death and destruction by our military without our country being attacked.

General Mattis' remarks were much more measured.

He released a statement to the media:

"The DPRK must choose to stop isolating itself and stand down its pursuit of nuclear weapons. The DPRK should cease any consideration of actions that would lead to the end of its regime and the destruction of its people."

"The United States and our allies have the demonstrated capabilities and unquestionable commitment to defend ourselves from attack."

Gen. Mattis is referring to any military actions taken by North Korea against us or our allies which would then be met accordingly.

Susan Rice wrote a very thoughtful piece about the current North Korea situation and echoed the same thing in an op-ed in the NY Times.

"By most assessments, Mr. Kim is vicious and impetuous, but not irrational. Thus, while we quietly continue to refine our military options, we can rely on traditional deterrence by making crystal clear that any use of nuclear weapons against the United States or its allies would result in annihilation of North Korea."

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