Nikki Haley Scolds Fox For Leaking Classified Intel On North Korea

Steve Doocy gleefully asked Nikki Haley to comment on a Fox News exclusive that was reported via unsourced leaking of classified information.

Fox News -- the leading defenders of the Trump administration and most vocal complainers about the leaks coming from the Trump camp -- actually leaked sensitive military information on their website about North Korea.

While Donald Trump retweeted the report from Fox and Friends, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley scolded the network in this morning's interview.

Almost everyday on Fox and Friends, their morning commentary is dominated by attacking the press and people within the government they feel are responsible for leaking stories that hurt the administration.

Most of FNC's other programs follow their lead and focus not on the information that gets out to the public, but the issue of the leaks themselves and how they hurt Trump from promoting his agenda.

They often claim these leaks affect our military and can put our national security at risk, but yesterday a story appeared on the Fox News website titled: US spy satellites detect North Korea moving anti-ship cruise missiles to patrol boat

During yesterday's Fox and Friends broadcast, UN ambassador Nikki Haley joined the three headed monster and was asked about this new story, but since it exposes highly classified intelligence, the U.N. ambassador refused to comment on their story and said how "incredibly dangerous" it was "when things get out into the press like that."

It's obvious that Fox News' Lucas Tomlinson, wrote this story using anonymous sources from the intel community and Jeff Sessions just held a presser bashing these practices.

Transcript via MMFA:

STEVE DOOCY (CO-HOST): Ambassador, on the front page of right now there is a story that apparently the intel community has picked up anti-ship cruise missiles were being loaded onto a patrol boat or patrol boats in North Korea. What can you tell us about that?



HALEY: I can't talk about anything that's classified. And if that's in the newspaper that's a shame. But --

Fox News in particular has often accused the intelligence community of sabotaging Trump because they do not like him by leaking information to the press, but it appears when they print classified material, they feel justified in doing so even if it hurts national security.

DOOCY: You have no reason to believe that's not accurate though?

HALEY: I have no reason to comment on it.


Ainsley Earhardt realized what Fox News had done and asked?

AINSLEY EARHARDT (CO-HOST): That shouldn't be in the newspaper? Is that another leak I guess?

HALEY: You know, it's one of these things, I don't know what's going on. But, I will tell you it's incredibly dangerous when things get out into the press like that. You are not only just getting a scoop on something, you are playing with people's lives. And this has got to stop. Whatever the leaks are coming from, if somebody thinks they are getting power or fame from it, all you are doing is putting Americans in danger.

Haley scolded them pretty hard for releasing that information, but Steve Doocy didn't care at all and continued to press her on what the U.S. IC knows at this time.

Doocy said, " I understand that, but at the same time is the U.S intel community saying, 'hey, Mr. Kim, we're watching you. We just saw you put those things on the boat?'

She did respond and said, "Don't think he's not aware and we're not aware of everything that's happening..."

As Fran noted earlier, after Fox News and F&F leaked classified intelligence to the public, Trump retweeted the story.

And he's littered his twitter feed with complaints about the leakers and bashed Jeff Sessions for not locking them up.

This story, on its face, is clearly designed to warmonger against North Korea. Remember Iraq?

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