Trump Goes On Unhinged Rant, Lies About Charlottesville 'On Many Sides' Claim
Trump's speech was nuts. Batsh*t crazy.
Tonight's speech in Phoenix was just exactly as unhinged as we thought it would be. The man-baby POTUS could not possibly have just left his Afghanistan speech alone to age gracefully. After all, reading off a teleprompter is not nearly as satisfying as just riffing about the horrible media and how mean they are, so he has to lie. It's in his DNA, he cannot help it.
Tonight was especially bad. Perhaps it has been too long since he felt the adoration of his fans, but he was vicious and mean from start to end, while lying the entire time.
The biggest lie might be when he pulled out his remarks given about Charlottesville and conveniently forgot to mention his "on many sides, on many sides" comments. That was an intentional lie on his part.
As if we don't have the video. We do.
There were many other moments, too many to clip.
He hinted that he will pardon Joe Arpaio, but not tonight because it would cause controversy.
He threatened to shut down the government if funding for the wall isn't included.
He slapped both Arizona Senators around. But he basically leaned into the idea that he hoped Senator McCain would die so he could get that one vote for ACA repeal. Meanwhile, this was happening.
He made a play for the white supremacists and white nationalists in the crowd a couple of times. Toward the end, he shouted, "They’re trying to take away our culture; they’re trying to take away our history."
That is outright white supremacist language right there.
More from the real-time reactions:
The video at the top is as representative as any of the insanity he served tonight. Phoenix is where he goes to indulge his snarling, deranged true self and tonight did not disappoint.