Guess Who Turned Tail And Ran From Hurricane Irma? Rush Limbaugh!

After promoting phony stories about climate change and Hurricane Irma, Limbaugh was forced to evacuate his studio on Friday.

Rush Limbaugh has argued for years that anyone who says hurricanes are proof that climate change is real, are part of a grand liberal conspiracy. After railing on "liberal hurricane conspiracies" all week, Rush Limbaugh told his audience he was evacuating from his studio.

Limbaugh said. “May as well go and announce this. I’m not going to get into details because of the security nature of things, but it turns out that we will not be able to do the program here tomorrow."

Yes, don't give us any details, Rush. You're always so tight-lipped about these things.

"That will be in the hands of Mark Steyn tomorrow. We'll be on the air next week folks, from parts unknown -- tomorrow is going to be problematic --- legally impossible," Limbaugh said.

The reaction on Twitter was much like this:

Limbaugh has tried to blast those who held his words accountable, but the proof is in the pudding, Rush.

Let’s call it Basement Depot. Basement Depot huge, huge business, Basement Depot spends gazillions of dollars every year in local advertising in hurricane forced areas.

Here comes a hurricane, local media goes on the air, “Big hurricane coming, oh, my God! Make sure you got batteries. Make sure you got water. It could be the worst ever. Have you seen the size of this baby? It’s already a Cat 5. Oh, my God, oh, my God, it’s bigger than the island of Haiti. Oh, my God.” People run to the stores, they stock up everything, and they hoard. And they end up with vacant stores, nothing there. And it’s a big success. TV stations got eyeballs, the advertising businesses have sold out of business, gotta restock, and the cycle repeats.

This is exactly what’s happening. You cannot find a case of bottled water here in Palm Beach. You can’t. Miami, probably even worse.

(h/t Media Matters)

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