Fox And Friends Disgusting Defense Of Trumps' Call To Grieving Widow

Who knew telling the grieving widow of a fallen soldier that "he knew what he signed up for" when he was killed is a very "common phrase"?

Fox and Friends and co-host Peter Hegseth did every despicable thing they could to justify Trump's cold, heartless and disrespectful call to Sgt. La David T. Johnson's widow.

Two days ago, when Trump was asked why he hadn't mentioned the death of four U.S. service members in Niger, he used their deaths as a political talking point and smeared former presidents, lying that they had not calling grieving families.

On Tuesday Trump called Sgt. La David T. Johnson's widow, Myeshia (who's seven months pregnant with her third child) to supposedly express his condolences.

Instead of comforting her, he did the unthinkable and in an unconscionable action told her that her husband, "knew what he signed up for ...but when it happens it hurts anyway."

Rep. Wilson was riding with her in a limo and over heard some of the call on speaker phone.

She told MSNBC, "She was crying the whole time, and when she hung up the phone, she looked at me and said, ‘He didn’t even remember his name.’ That’s the hurting part.”

President Trump tweeted out that Rep. Wilson was lying and he has proof.

In the alternate world of Fox News, the Ghidorah of co-hosts at Fox and Friends told their audience that it was the Democrats who are politicizing the deaths of these four Green Berets because they hate Trump, including Rep. Wilson of Florida.

Numero-uno suck-up Pete Hegseth said, "They will take any line of argument they can against the president."

He continued, "She has been a lock stock member of the Resist movement from day one and if she gets an opportunity to twist or spin the president’s words, even if it’s around a dead soldier, they will do it. We saw what they did with the Gold Star father at the convention. We saw how they carried that narrative forward and they want to question at every turn what he says he's committed to. There is no one more committed, I believe, to our service members, to our veterans, than this president.”

Hegseth is now saying that Gold Star father Khizr Khan is a liar too, since he repeatedly attacked Trump during the presidential campaign. Don't look at what Trump does or says, just blame the Democrats.

Steve Doocy explained Rep. Wilson's words that she characterized as insensitive to the widow.

Ainsley Earhardt said, "I believe it was in the car or she was listening on the speaker phone with the wife down in Miami. And she said that the president was insensitive when he called to say, "I'm sorry your husband died fighting for our country." And she said he framed it wrong, he said that comment, she was really offended by it."

Except that's not what Trump said, Ainsley.

Earhart continued, "My response to this was the President of the United States of America called to say, "Thank you for your service. I'm sorry for your sacrifice." That in it of itself is extremely special that the President of the United States picked up the phone to call these families."

So now it's "extremely special" to be mortified by the commander in chief and have a grieving widow's pain exasperated because Trump is president? TWELVE DAYS after her husband's death?

Doocy was the one host whose job was to constantly smear Rep. Wilson's credibility throughout the segment. He was upset because she questioned why the U.S. is in Niger anyway. See, how can she be trusted to relay a phone call she heard if she's against the war?

Did Fox News EVER report on the war in Niger? Maybe that's why Trump never heard of it.
Makes sense in fever swamps of Trump-land.

Hegseth then used Trump admin talking points and attacked Obama for not calling Gen. John Kelly after his son was killed in action. And then he launched a moronic defense of why Trump brought this issue to light.

Hegseth said, "They [troops] don't feel the Obama administration had their backs."

The Kellyanne Conway defense continues on.

Brian Kilmeade said, "Now you're being graded on how you respond to somebody who just lost a son in battle."

If you add to the pain and suffering of that family then you certainly should be called out on it. Especially since Trump politicized the procedure past presidents used to notify parents of their fallen sons and daughters.

Then Ainsley hit the motherlode of bullsh*t.

She said, "It's not good enough that the President of the U.S., the Commander-in-Chief is picking up the phone to call this grieving wife. I think that, in of itself. is amazing."

Hegseth said, "It does speak to how much he cares."

You mean like how a sociopath tells his parents how much he cares how sorry he is for killing their pet?

Doocy since she skipped Trump's inauguration, "There could be some politics."

Kilmeade asked, "Is it a common phrase like 'we know what happens when we signed up for this'.

Hegseth replied, "Of course, very common phrase of endearment."

You can't make this up.

Trump is a clueless, unfeeling, narcissistic jackass who only cares about his press clippings.

Even some of the greatest screenwriters of our time like William Goldman, Billy Wilder, Cohen Brothers, Paddy Chayefsky, Nora Ephron or Robert Towne couldn't even come up with this propaganda.

Phrase of Endearment. Really.

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