IRONY ALERT: Howie Kurtz Bashes NBC's Editorial Decision To Quash Weinstein Story

The network of Roger Ailes, Eric Bolling and Bill O'Reilly is suddenly terribly concerned about prompt reporting of sexual harassment allegations. No, really.

For decades, Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ailes fostered a culture of male dominance and sexual harassment at Fox News, but it wasn't until Gretchen Carlson came forward and stuck to her guns that the news rolled out.

We found out about all of the salacious and awful allegations in newspapers, network news, CNN and MSNBC. We did not hear about the details of those allegations, even after Ailes and O'Reilly resigned, from Fox News.

We did not hear about the details of the allegations against recently-departed Eric Bolling either.

For years, Fox News built up the very same culture that exists in Hollywood, where women are objectified and treated as sex toys for powerful men. For decades, even.

So when Howie Kurtz leans into Fox Business host Stuart Varney, breaks out the worry beads, and starts concern trolling over NBC killing Ronan Farrow's Weinstein story, forgive me if I'm the tiniest bit skeptical.

We all know Fox News and its hellbound sibling Fox Business could not care less about how women are treated by powerful men. If they did, Sean Hannity would not be re-integrating Bill O'Reilly into their primetime broadcasts like he is.

Howie's job is to not to be a media critic, but instead to tear others down while building Fox News up as the official state network. So what if they still exploit women by putting them on couches in short skirts and high heels? So what? It's all part of their game.

If they have a chance to be hypocrites while bashing the competition, they're good with that, which is why Howie pronounced it a "major embarrassment" that NBC killed the story. In fact, it may be better that The New Yorker published it instead of NBC, if for no other reason than it likely reached across more silos than an NBC News story would have.

Remind me: Did they spend any time on Trump's Access Hollywood recording? I checked, and no, they didn't. Nor was there much of a peep beyond official statements about Roger Ailes, Eric Bolling, and Bill O'Reilly. Nary a moment of self-reflection. Nada.

One might assume this vaunted "news" network killed every possible story about the harassment in their own ranks as a "major embarrassment" for Fox News.

A rough transcript of Howie clutching pearls follows:

New developments on the Harvey Weinstein scandal. We just learned that the British Academy of Film and Television Arts suspended Weinstein's membership. NBC News is being questioned for reportedly killing an exposé it had on Weinstein months ago.

Last night, on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow asked the reporter, Ronan Farrow why NBC didn't go with the story. Roll tape.

MADDOW: You said one of the women spoke on camera. Why did you report for New Yorker instead of NBC News?

FARROW: You have to ask executives on the detail. I will not comment on any story they did or didn't run. I will say over many years, many news organizations circled this story and faced a great deal of pressure in doing so.

VARNEY: Joining us now is Howard Kurtz, host of "Mediabuzz." Your reaction to all of this developing story, Howard?

KURTZ: This is a major embarrassment for NBC. Ronan Farrow is a major correspondent.

(EDITORIAL NOTE: He's not. I wasn't even aware he was still with NBC after they canceled his show)

He had on-camera interview by his own telling. NBC said it doesn't meet our standards. He publishes it in "The New Yorker." A well-documented story with allegations against Harvey Weinstein.

I can't help but observe there are interrelationships between NBC Universal's pictures, NBC Bravo and Harvey Weinstein's companies.


VARNEY: Is there a political association? I tend to think of NBC as left of center. Harvey Weinstein was a iconic liberal supporter, gave money to liberal causes. Is there any suggestion that the NBC newsroom played and shied away from the story because it would upset their liberal base?

KURTZ: Well, it's certainly no secret MSNBC is a liberal channel. You know Harvey Weinstein big Democratic donor. Held fund-raisers for Hillary Cinton, for Barack Obama.

You have to wonder if this had been a conservative, a big Republican fund-raiser whether NBC would have the hesitation?

You have to wonder. If this had been a Republican candidate for the office of President of the United States, would Fox News have the hesitation?

You bet they would. And did. So sit down, Howie, and eat those pearls you're clutching.

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