Sarah Huckabee Sanders Defends Kelly's Lies -- Again

Have you no decency, ma'am?

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended Gen. John Kelly's smears of Rep. Frederica Wilson's reputation by insisting that Trump's chief of staff did not misspeak even though proof has emerged directly contradicting his account.

Up is down and red is green in TrumpLand.

During a press briefing on October 24th, a reporter asked SHS why members of the Trump administration never correct their misstatements, ever.

"One of the aspects of civil discourse is for people in the discussion to acknowledge when they have made misstatements and there's a pattern in this White House and with the president when they make misstatements those are not corrected," he said.

That's a valid description of what takes place in Trump's White House.

He continued, "For example, the Chief of Staff came out here to this podium and mischaracterized a speech by a Congresswoman, given at an FBI building dedication. Why won't the chief of staff or you right now acknowledge that that was a mischaracterization and correct the record?"

With a completely straight face devoid of any expression, Sanders replied, "I don't believe that General Kelly mischaracterized. He gave his account of what took place."

His account was a lie. A flat-out lie.

The Sun Sentinel released the entire video of Rep. Wilson's dedication and it proves that Gen. Kelly's version of events was a lie and a calculated attempt to sully her reputation at the behest of Trump.

Without batting an eye, Sanders continued, "General Kelly and his family have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. I think he's led with honor and integrity. I think he's doing a great job as chief of staff and i don't think he has anything to correct or apologize for."

Kelly and his family have suffered the ultimate sacrifice for sure - I can't even imagine. But that does not entitle himself or any other member of the Trump administration to lie with impunity to cover for Trump's misconduct.

What Kelly did was sully his sterling reputation for an egotistical, autocratic and self-aggrandizing drama queen, who acts like a fourteen year old spoiled brat more than a seventy-one year old man.

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