Trump Blames 'Generals' For Telling Him Obama Didn't Call Family Members

Trump passes the buck to his generals for giving him bad information.

When held accountable by the press for claiming Obama didn't call family members of our fallen soldiers, Trump blamed his military generals for telling him so.

Earlier in the Mitch and Trump presser this afternoon, Trump was asked why we haven't heard anything from his administration on the deaths of four U.S. Green Berets, Trump lied and said President Obama and other presidents didn't call family members of our fallen troops.

This is obviously false.

NBC's Peter Alexander, knowing the truth asked this about ten minutes later.

"Earlier you said President Obama never called families of fallen soldiers. How can you make that claim," the NBC reporter said.

Trump stammered and said, "I was, I was told he didn't often and a lot of presidents don't, they write letters. - Excuse me Peter. I do a combination of both. Sometimes it's a very difficult thing to do, but I do a combination of both."

How f**king difficult is it to take a few minutes out of your golf game or your Fox news viewing and pay your respects to families that have suffered the ultimate loss? What a cretin.

And can the man speak English?

"President Obama, I think, probably did sometimes and maybe sometimes he didn't. I don't know, that's what I was told. All I can do is ask my generals," he replied.

So what "generals" told him President Obama never contacted any family members of our fallen soldiers? I'll bet it is none. And I'll give you odds.

"But I like, I like the combination of, I like, when I, can the combination of a call and also a letter, "Trump said.

Our president truly supports himself the military.

And our fallen soldiers.

And Gold Star families.

And our captured P.O.W.'s

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