CNN Blockbuster: Top White House Lawyer Told Trump Flynn Lied To FBI In January

Judge Napolitano's prophecy may come true.

After Trump's lawyer John Dowd took credit for a tweet from Trump's account that possibly put him in legal jeopardy about knowing Flynn lied to the FBI before he fired FBI's James Comey, CNN reports that Trump actually did know.

CNN's Kara Scannell broke the news that "The White House's chief lawyer told President Donald Trump in January he believed then-national security adviser Michael Flynn had misled the FBI and lied to Vice President Mike Pence and should be fired, a source familiar with the matter said Monday."

She joined Wolf Blitzer a little while ago to discuss her story.

Blitzer asked Scannell to outline exactly what she learned.

"What we learned from our sources and our reporting is that White House counsel Don McGahn had told the president after a meeting with the acting attorney general Sally Yates that White House counsel DonMcGahn believed that Flynn had lied to Mike Pence when he told him that he didn't have conversations with the Russian ambassador and that he had misled the FBI during that interview," she replied.

It never made any sense after Sally Yates informed McGann that Flynn had lied and was susceptible to being blackmailed by the Russians, that they didn't take any action or Trump wasn't informed.

Why wasn't Flynn dismissed once the White House learned of this news?

A week later "McGann and the White House counsel's office had received the testimony from Flynn's conversation with the Russian ambassador and that led them to believe he had misled the FBI and Pence and suggested that he be fired," Scannell reported.

As anyone with a brain would have suspected, Trump and his team knew all along that Flynn had undertaken criminal activities while serving as their National Security Adviser.

Wolf then made the next obvious connection between Trump and James Comey.

Wolf said, "Basically the whole notion right now is that when the president actually spoke with the then-FBI director James Comey, he knew precisely or almost precisely what Flynn had told the FBI - clearly since then Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI."

Scannell said that McGann didn't have the details on Flynn's testimony to the FBI or what possible crimes he had committed.

"As far as the timeline goes, the president did know, that at least his lawyer, the White House counsel believed that Flynn was not honest with the FBI which was days before the president later fired James Comey," she pointed out.

So, this report tells us that Trump was well aware that Gen. Flynn lied to the FBI, which is a criminal offense, and still kept him on for weeks and then tried to twist the former FBI Director's arm to drop the entire investigation on Flynn.

When Comey refused, he was fired.

Wolf punctuated her report by saying, "Serious, serious developments indeed."


Judge Napolitano's prophecy may come true after all.

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