Mick Mulvaney: 'If You Get Your News On [Fox] You'll Love GOP Tax Plan

It's getting really hard for Trump administration members to hide the fact that Fox News generally acts as state-sponsored television.

Trump's OMB and CFPB leader Mick Mulvaney told a worrisome Fox and Friends that "if you get your news here, you'll probably like" the new Trump tax plan because Fox News focuses on "what's good for them."

Creepy, much?

Mick Mulvaney underscored how most of Fox News is negligent in their duty of telling their viewers the truth about anything that comes out of the Trump administration.

And in his own way, Mulvaney continued the war of the U.S. free press by claiming they are lying to the America people to hurt Trump on the GOP's horrible tax plan.

After the three co-hosts went through much of what was good for them in this tax bill, Steve Doocy asked, "People don't like to pay taxes so you would think that this would be a good story for you and yet, Mick, the Quinnipiac poll came out and shows 65% of Americans don't like it as opposed to 26% who do."

Doocy asked, "Can you explain to me why people don't like the idea of a tax cut?"

Mulvaney replied, "Sure, because if you turn to any channel besides this one, all you're going to hear is bad news about this particular bill."

He continued, "I was listening to radio here in Washington, D.C. and it was one negative story after another about this tax bill. No one focusing as you folks do on what's good for people in this bill.

"So if you get your news here, you probably like it because you focused on what's good for you, but if not, you don't," Mulvaney said.

I thought I saw a blaring red neon sign above his head blinking on-and-off, "Fox News is good? Fox News is the only news to watch." "All other news outlets are fake." "Believe me, believe, me, believe me."

See, any critical thinking or review of Trump's plans and policies that are not completely favorable are biased and "fake news," whereas on Fox and Friends, they know how to focus on the right things.

What has Trump's co-conspirators nervous while they are Stepford-wiving the public are a slew of new polls that show the American people hate the GOP's tax bill.

A new Harvard CAPS-Harris survey found that 64 percent of respondents oppose the bill.

WSJ writes, "Just 29% of voters approve of the plan while 53% are opposed, according to a Quinnipiac University poll [Quinnipiac is known to lean Republican - eds]. Independents break against the plan, 54% to 27%. Among people making $50,000 to $100,000, just 35% approve. The Gallup poll found similar levels of support, with just 29% in favor of the tax plan. Independent voters, according to Gallup, oppose the plan, 56% to 25%.

Also, the way Republicans have conducted this process has been mindbogglingly awful. Secret meetings with lobbyists, changes made to the bill scribbled in side columns that are illegible. No hearings or studies were done to score their plans. Their rush to get anything passed before Christmas. Many members of their own party coming out and slamming the bill.

And as their own Gerri Willis told Shepard Smith, the tax bill is "the most complicated thing I've ever seen."

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