Rod Rosenstein Rebukes The 'Fire Mueller' Crowd: 'He Was An Ideal Choice For This Task'
At the Congressional Oversight Follies today, Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein laid out all of the reasons Trump would be foolish to fire Mueller.
Today's episode of House Oversight Committee Follies featured a concerted effort on the part of Republicans to make the case that Mueller is biased and should either be fired or another special prosecutor appointed to investigate him.
This is thanks to the likes of Fox News' "Judge" Jeanine Pirro (who has a grudge and a vested interest in some revenge on Mueller), along with the conservative echo chamber's groan of assent. They would surely hang him high right now if they could get their paws on him.
During his turn, Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN) asked Rosenstein outright whether he had had conversations with the White House about removing Mueller from his position.
"I am not going to be discussing communications with the president, but I can tell you that nobody has communicated to me a desire to remove Robert Mueller," Rosenstein replied firmly.
There was a short back and forth, and then Cohen asked the Deputy Attorney General why he chose Mueller for the job. Rosenstein's answer was straightforward, to the point, and also made idiots out of the Republicans looking to lock Mueller up or some such.
"I think it would be very difficult, Congressman, for anybody to find somebody better qualified for this job. Director Mueller has throughout his lifetime been a dedicated and respected and heroic public servant," he began.
"He after college volunteered to serve as a Marine in Vietnam where he was wounded in combat. He attended law school and devoted most of his career to serving as a federal prosecutor with stints in private practice."
"He served as United States Attorney in two districts in Massachusetts and Northern California. He served in many other positions in the department after he lost his position as head of the criminal division when President Clinton was elected in 1992. Then he went back and in an entry level position as a homicide prosecutor trying to help with the violent crime problem in the District of Columbia in the early 1990s."
"He then rose through the ranks and ultimately was confirmed unanimously as FBI director, protected this nation after 9/11 and then when his ten-year term expired, he was so well respected that his term was extended I believe also almost unanimously for another two years."
Wrapping up, he said, "So I believe that based upon his reputation, his service, his patriotism, and his experience with the Department and with the FBI, I believe he was an ideal choice for this task."
This will not stop the ranting, raving loonies over at Fox News from working the refs every chance they get, and the Department of Justice set the table for them today by giving the press a go at the text messages between two FBI agents removed from the investigation.
Apparently Fox News and other media outlets were shown thousands of their messages, despite the fact that the Inspector General only has over 300 of them, and this would only have been done to feed the right-wing media beast which is falling all over itself to force Trump to fire Mueller.
IF Trump DOES fire Mueller, please be prepared to step away from whatever you are doing at the time, and get in the streets. We will need mass protests the likes of which we saw in South Korea in order to counter an autocratic move like that.