December 10, 2017

Sean Hannity isn't the only Fox "news" host doing their best to clear the way for Trump to fire Robert Mueller. Host "judge" Jeanine Pirro was attacking Comey as a "political whore" just a week ago. As Media Matters reported this week, in the aftermath of the Flynn plea deal, the network's attacks on Mueller have become increasingly unhinged.

Fox has been doing their best to make their viewers believe the Mueller investigation is corrupt, fake news, or a big nothing-burger, with Hannity and the crew on Trump's favorite morning show leading the way, going after the FBI and law enforcement, and pushing the conspiracy theory that the FBI concocted the Steele dossier in order to spy on Trump.

This Saturday, Pirro took her turn again with yet another unhinged rant to open her show, demanding that the FBI and Department of Justice be purged of anyone who is not a Trump loyalist: Judge Jeanine: There Needs to Be a 'Cleansing' at the FBI, DOJ:

In her Opening Statement Saturday night, Judge Jeanine Pirro said there needs to be a "cleansing" at the FBI and the Department of Justice.

Judge Jeanine ran down a list of individuals who she said have been dedicated to protecting Hillary Clinton or destroying President Donald Trump, singling out Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe, FBI official Peter Strzok, former Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr, former FBI Director James Comey and Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

"There have been times in our history where corruption and lawlessness were so pervasive, that examples had to be made. This is one of those times," she said.

She said the FBI and Justice Department have too many "political hacks" embedded, individuals who have never accepted that the American people elected Donald Trump to be commander-in-chief.

"I for one am tired of investigations, politicians posturing. Something more has to be done," Judge Jeanine said. "The stench coming out of the FBI and Justice Department is like that of a Third World country where money and boys and clubs decide elections."

"It's time to take them out in cuffs."

Pirro wants to lock up law enforcement. I wonder how they're going to feel about that?

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