Trump's Lawyer Falls On His Sword For Disastrous Flynn Tweet
Wasn't 'The Fall Guy' a 1980's TV show?
The Washington Post is reporting that Trump's attorney, John Dowd is now trying to take credit for sending a tweet on Trump's Twitter account that actually put Donald in legal jeopardy after Gen. Flynn pleaded guilty to a felony and is now cooperating with Robert Mueller's special counsel.
After Flynn's gargantuan plea deal was struck, Trump tweeted this:
As many others have noted, this is a big deal because the White House had claimed they fired Flynn only because he lied to Mike Pence.
In June of 2017, when asked by the press how Trump tweets should be viewed Sean Spicer, the White House Press Secretary told the media, "The President is the President of the United States, so they're considered official statements by the President of the United States."
As soon as the proverbial sh*t hit the fan on Trump's latest tweet about Gen. Kelly, sources contacted the Post (I guess they aren't fake news now) and said:
Trump’s lawyer John Dowd drafted the president’s tweet, according to two people familiar with the twitter message. Its authorship could reduce how significantly it communicates anything about when the president knew that Flynn had lied to the FBI, but also raises questions about the public relations strategy of the president’s chief lawyer.
Two people close to the administration described the tweet simply as sloppy and unfortunate.
Sloppy, unfortunate. That sound likes Trump, right?
Walter Shaub wants to see the evidence that Dowd wrote the tweet.
And guess what, Dowd has a reason why there isn't any.
He told this to NBC News, "Dowd told NBC News that he drafted the tweet and then sent it to White House Social Media Director Dan Scavino to publish. When asked for the original email he sent to Scavino, Dowd said he dictated it orally."
Isn't that convenient?
ABC News reports that the White House has not commented on Dowd's story.
It's unclear who actually tweeted out the message; it is unlikely Dowd has direct access to the president's official Twitter account and could have tweeted without his knowledge or involvement, sources said.
Does all of Trump's confidants have access and the ability to tweet what they want, whenever they they want?
Did Scaramucci ever send a tweet out for Trump? (OK, I kid)
This admission seems to be a salvo opening up the possibility that Trump and his minions can say any tweet that he sends out which backfires on him was not sent by him.
I'm sorry.
Trump and his staff and his apologists have screamed to the high heavens that Trump's twitter accounts and social media presence won him the election and is his most powerful tool.
Either he's the tweeter or he's not.
The White House proclaimed Trump's tweets are official statements so they are, Dowd notwithstanding.