Jason Miller Insults Ana Navarro With Sexist 'You're Melting Down' Comment

It's Jason "baby daddy" Miller so yeah, he took it to the sexist attack mode. Ana Navarro held her own and came out winning.

CNN's Ana Navarro and Jason Miller got into a heated argument about Trump's "shithole" comments and it got very personal between the two.

It's hard to take Trump surrogates seriously when they assign bogus distractions and rewritten intentions for Trump's own words.

Navarro took Trump's racial insults very personally, calling him a "public, shameless racist."

Miller saw nothing racist about Trump's words and colored him as the good guy in all of this.

Navarro said, "even Republicans realize just how foolish they look, looking into a camera and trying to pretend this was not about black versus white, that this was not European versus others."

Miller claimed Navarro was using personal attacks against Trump and had no real argument, since Trump is the one trying to work out an actual DACA deal and comprehensive immigration reform.

"In a way Obama couldn't, in a way Bush couldn't..."

As we know, Republicans refused to negotiate on DACA or any immigration reform proposed by President Obama.

As they continued their back and forth host John Berman tried to break up the argument by saying "One second, one second. we just heard from the president."

But they continued sparring...

"The political left is immediately going to the personal attacks..."

"This isn't about you and me, you can't even sit there and watch the president's own words without calling John Berman and "New Day" ridiculous."

"They're quoting him," Navarro said.

Then Miller tried to patronize her, "Anna, you're melting. You're melting, Anna."

"I'm not melting, I'm not a snowflake.."

"It's not even springtime and you're melting," he said.

Berman tried to take control, but lost out again.

Navarro noted that Miller is the one making personal attacks: "I don't say that you look like a buffoon trying to make sense of what this man is saying!” she said. “This is Donald Trump being a racist. I don’t care what you say.”

Miller pushed back saying Trump said he didn't say those words. Of course, we know that's a lie.

Navarro reminded Miller that "today, ironically is the eight-year anniversary of the earthquake that struck Haiti where over 700,000 Haitians died."

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