Dear Media, When Did Supporting DREAMers Make Dems A 'Hard-Line' Party. Too?

Mr. and Mrs. Media, don't fall for that nonsense.

Axios' Jonathan Swann told MSNBC that the Democratic party has become a more 'hard-lined party' for supporting the rights of Dreamers with vigorous energy.

Since when has supporting the DREAM Act became an extreme position to take? Many polls show huge support to protect our Dreamers from both parties.

On Deadline: Whitehouse conservative Charley Sykes opined that when immigration hawks used the military versus "illegal immigrants," including producing a Willie Hortonesque ad, it played to their base hoping to bring back Trump voters.

Sykes thought Dems thought that "Dems 'want to win on DACA, they need to separate it from the government shutdown just like the Republicans realized that shutdown politics generally don't work."

Swann was up next and compared the Democratic party to freaking Ted 'Green Eggs And Ham' Cruz.

This makes no sense at all since Cruz shut down the government over a fully funded program while Democrats were trying to protect the CHIP program as well as 800,000 Dreamers.

Swan said, "It has, it's become a much more hard line party, not just with this but we saw the 2020 class of Democrats come out late last year and say we're not going to fund the government if it doesn't have protection for these Dreamers."

He continued, "We talk a lot about the Republican party becoming a much more hard line, but the facts are the facts and the Democratic party is becoming a much more hard-line party with a much more energized base and, you know, in three weeks' time we're going to see what happens. This is far from resolved, and it's going to get very ugly in about three weeks' time."

The Republicans turned into a disgusting xenophobic party before Trump took its helm, only he vocalized like no one before him, but the Dems are just as hard-lined because they want to support Dreamers?

Memo to Jonathan, who does some good reporting at Axios: Part of the energy on the left comes from having a racist as a president.

A man who called Mexican immigrants rapists and murders from the outset of his campaign, who racially profiles Muslim countries, who calls Haiti and some black nations shitholes because they aren't sending enough whites and defends neo-Nazis marching in Charlottesville, calling some of them good people.

Couple that with getting advice from white nationalists like Stephen Miller, Gen. Kelly who really wants to round up the illegals here instead of focusing on the border, Sen. Tom Cotton and the entire Freedom Caucus by his side.

Do you think this is equal to wanting to protect children from undocumented workers from being deported?

If that makes us hard-liners then count me in.

But that is a drastic overreaction to what's happening in our government and is as lazy as it is wrong.

And I say to you, Mr. and Mrs. Media, don't fall for that nonsense.

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