Katy Tur Flabbergasted After Trump Flack Michael Caputo Equates FBI To KGB

Michael Caputo just demonstrates how utterly bankrupt Republicans are. As long as Dear Leader is pleased, the brazen lies are fine.

In the bankrupt way of Trump flacks, Michael Caputo took to MSNBC's airwaves today to downplay the ridiculous end to the Great Text Message Secret Society Scandal of 2018. As deflection, he decided it would be just great to pretend the FBI is just like the KGB.

It takes a lot of dead brain cells to think this is a good idea to do, particularly on national television, as Katy Tur reminded him several times.

Dismissing Caputo's absurd insinuations about the text messages, Tur tried to pin him down on whether he was claiming people who don't support Trump can't be fair.

He allowed that everyone has a right to an opinion (oh, how generous!), before qualifying it with a smackdown. “But people at the head of these investigations or at the deputy level of these investigations, they have to be chosen very carefully,” he cautioned.

Letting his inner concern troll wander, he furrowed his brow and said, “Katy, some of those stuff that’s going on, it’s really concerning to me. I’m trying to keep an open mind.”

“I’m very concerned about this,” Caputo continued. “Because I’ll tell you, it turns out it might of been redundant if Donald Trump had every tried to collude with Russia. We’re turning into Russia ourselves! Complete with our own version of the KGB!”

That claim shocked Tur, who shot back, “Who are you calling the KGB, Michael?”

The answer to that was "people involved in the investigation" and something something #ReleasetheMemo something something Republican fever dreams.

Undeterred, Katy brought him back around to his specious claim. “So you’re saying people in the FBI are actually part of the KGB?”

“Not part of the KGB,” Caputo backtracked. “I was being facetious as you know."

Yeah, don't believe your lying eyes, folks. You can see for yourself how facetious he was being. That concern troll had furry feet and long hair.

“But you’re on national television!” Tur reminded him. “And you’re saying people in the FBI are acting like the KGB.”

Yes, Katy, that's what happens when you put Trump flacks on your air in the name of "balance." They lie and toss out absurd hyperbole to distract from the barren landscape that is their missing soul.

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