Lindsey Graham On Trump's 'Shithole' Comment: 'My Memory Hasn't Evolved'
Sen. Graham would not offer cover for Trump's enablers after they said they couldn't remember what Trump said in Thursday's immigration meeting.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, while not expressly saying Trump actually said "shithole," he did slap the hands of Senators Cotton and Perdue with his newest comments about sudden memory loss.
Over the weekend, Senators Sen. Cotton and Sen. Perdue attacked Sen. Dick Durbin. Durbin verified the "shithole" comment on camera and on the record, verifying the Washington Post story that broke Thursday night.
The DHS Secretary told Chris Wallace, "I don't recall that specific phrase being used, that's all I can say about that."
However, Sen. Tim Scott told The Post and Courier that Sen. Lindsey Graham, who was at the meeting, told him the reported comments are "basically accurate."
Now the White House is promoting a narrative that says Trump really said "shithouse" instead of "shithole" and that supposedly makes it all better.
I kid you not. Deflection is the only game they have.
Senator Graham had a different take today.
The Post and Courier writes:
"My memory hasn't evolved. I know what was said and I know what I said."
After speaking to the Columbia Urban League at West Columbia's Brookland Baptist Church, Graham told The Post and Courier the meeting was "disappointing" and "a step backward." But he said he is continuing to negotiate with Trump.
Trump is ripping his own supporters apart, but most of them don't seem to care.
These enablers are doing as much damage as Trump himself, and they are completely complicit with his racism.
Let's hope America responds with the proper outrage in November.