Trump Demands Republicans Trigger 'Nuclear Option' Over Government Shutdown

The narcissistic deal maker can't get it done so he needs to change the rules.

Trump Demands Republicans Trigger 'Nuclear Option' Over Government Shutdown

Since Trump destroyed a bipartisan deal on funding the government last week which has caused a shutdown, he's begging Republicans to trigger the "nuclear option" to keep the Democratic minority from filibustering.

I know, I know, my first inclination when I heard the word "nuclear' was to believe he was talking about North Korea.

Trump tweeted this today.

In the Senate, 60 votes are needed to pass any legislation, but if one party in control were to push the detonation button and go nuclear, that would change the requirements to a simple majority of 51 votes. And destroy any type of bipartisanship in Congress forever.

Trump put the country in this position when he reneged, became racist and then surrendered negotiating a deal with Democrats to the GOP hardliners on immigration.

So far, Mitch McConnell is against that proposition.

His spokesman said, "The Republican Conference opposes changing the rules on legislation.”

The super deal maker can't get it done so he needs to change the rules.

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