January 11, 2018

It took nearly a year, but finally Trump's racism oozed out all over the White House today during a discussion on immigration.

According to a Washington Post report, Trump went off during a discussion on immigration reform and the DREAM act compromise reportedly agreed to by lawmakers, asking "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?”

Trump was specifically referring to immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and Africa, as lawmakers proposed restoring protections for immigrants from those countries.

He went on to ask why there weren't more immigrants from Norway, exposing his pure, ugly racist character we all know existed.

As further insult to injury, Trump rejected the bipartisan deal lawmakers were bringing him on the DREAM Act.

This is the real Donald Trump right here. That "open secret" about his racism is now laid bare. The birtherism, all of it, is related to the fact that he truly hates black and brown people.

Now you know it, straight from his own mouth.

UPDATE: Here is the White House statement, provided after the report. When I can find it as text, I'll include it.


The inevitable analysis:

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