Trump Stages 'Bipartisan' Immigration Photo Op To Demand Wall Funding For DACA Fix, Then Waffles On Wall

Trump's answers were all over the place during a staged photo op to make him look fit for office and "bipartisan."

Trump let the cameras in on a meeting between Democrats and Republicans over immigration since the March deadline for DACA is fast approaching.

The Beltway media was enthralled with this type of photo-op, especially after Michael Wolff's book put Trump's mental stability in the public light again.

Both sides of Congress discussed what they wanted to somewhat accomplish and Trump made sure to try and lead the way as the master negotiator instead of the rambler-in-chief.

But in the end nothing was bargained for and Trump took all sides of the debate, including saying whatever Congress decides, he'll agree to.

Toward the end of the meeting, Hawaii's Senator Hirono finally tried to pin Trump down on what he actually wants.

Sen. Hirono said, "But what I'm hearing around the table right now is a commitment to resolving the DACA situation because there is a sense of urgency. Now, you have put it out there that you want $18 billion for a wall or else there will be no DACA. Is that still your position?"

Trump said, "Yea -- "

And then he went directly into a long and jumbled explanation about how he can get the wall built for much cheaper and quicker.

"I can build it for less, by the way..."

The rambler came back.

"I build under budget and ahead of schedule. There's no reason for seven years. I heard the other day, please, don't do that to me. Seven years to build the wall. We can build the wall in one year."

Sen. Hirono asked, "Can you tell us how many miles of wall you're contemplating?"

Trump replied, "We're doing a study on that right now."

So he has no idea.

He continued, "There are large areas where you don't need a wall because you have a mountain and you have a river, a violent river and you don't need it."

Wait, what? What about that massive Chinese wall he wants built?

He's now morphed into a border wall "system."

Someone said, "Seems to me not much has actually changed here in terms of your positions."

Trump replied, "No, I think it's changed. I think my positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with."

So does that mean if they cut a deal without his border wall, he'll approve it? He just said he wouldn't!

"I am very much reliant on the people in this room. I know most of the people on both sides. Have a lot of respect for the people on both sides and my -- what I approve is going to be very much reliant on what the people in this room come to me with. I have great confidence in the -- if they come to me with things I'm not in love with, I'm going to do it because I respect them."

Say, what?

Now Trump is relinquishing all authority on what his immigration policy is and giving it all to Congress?

Ed. Note (Karoli): If this meeting was intended to turn the news cycle away from his unfitness for office, it did not succeed.

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