House Intel Committee Approves Release Of Schiff Memo, Tossing It To Trump

I think we all know where this is going, don't we?

So now it is the Dems' turn to put a memo in front of Donald Trump, this one contradicting all of the factless assertions in the nothingburger Nunes memo, or at least, putting some context around it.

The Washington Post reports that Adam Schiff announced the results of the committee vote, along with a warning to Trump that redactions will not be tolerated.

“We think this will help inform the public of the many distortions and inaccuracies” in the GOP memo released last week, Schiff told reporters, while still expressing concern that there could be attempts to distort the contents.

Schiff further warned that Democrats would not tolerate redactions. “We want to make sure that the White House does not redact our memo for political purposes,’’ Schiff told reporters.

“There is a rising sense of panic clearly within the White House and as well on the Hill,’’ he observed.

This sets up an interesting showdown. After all the talk about transparency, the White House is now faced with having to own those words.

Will Trump approve the memo's release? We have a poll open on that question. My guess is that this will go to a showdown where Dems will end up reading it on the House floor after they try and redact it.

Five days, Trump. Tick tock.

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