Orrin Hatch: Obamacare Supporters Are The 'Stupidest, Dumbass' People He's Ever Seen

And now he would like to tell all the stupid dumbasses he was just kidding, don't ya know?

Now that he's retiring and handing the seat off to Mitt Romney, Senator Orrin Hatch is apparently all out of basic human decency, choosing instead to go out in a wave of derision and hatefulness.

Is that what you learned in church, Senator Hatch?

At a speech at the Koch-funded American Enterprise Institute, Hatch couldn't resist taking a swipe at those of us who actually benefit from the ACA.

“We finally did away with the individual mandate tax that was established under that wonderful bill called ObamaCare,” Hatch chortled. “Now, if you didn’t catch on, I was being very sarcastic. That was the stupidest, dumbass bill that I’ve ever seen.”

Yeah, well maybe for him, but for our family it was a lifesaver that he's laughing at. I suppose he'd dance at my son's funeral too.

He wasn't finished, though. He had more.

“Some of you may have loved it,” he told his rapt audience. “If you do, you are one of the stupidest, dumbass people I’ve ever met."

Can I just say that Orrin Hatch is one of the stupidest, dumbass senators I've ever met? From his unfortunate use of the phrase "shot their wad" -- an off-the-cuff mention also related to health care legislation to his joy over the "award" he was given for stripping Utah's natural resources, he clearly sees a "stupid dumbass" every time he looks in the mirror.

His spokesman says hey, it was all just a joke. Don't you know a joke when you hear one?

Yeah, it wasn't a joke. The video is above. You make the call.]]

[The Hill]

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