Thug Life: Trump Ordered DOJ To Hire His Personal Spy

Remember Ezra Cohen-Watnick?

Remember Ezra Cohen-Watnick? The guy who handed Devin Nunes classified documents so he could run to the White House? Welcome Ezra to the DOJ.

After being fired from the White House, Ezra apparently put himself on ice until this week when Donald Trump ordered Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III to hire him as a "national security adviser" to Sessions, according to a Bloomberg News report.

Sure, sure. We all know this is nothing more than Trump putting his personal spy inside the DOJ in the hopes he can procure some more cool documents about the Mueller investigation.

Even though it is not standard practice for any agency to hire someone who has been FIRED from the White House, Sessions agreed after Trump demanded it, according to the report.

Democrats see it for what it is. “Given Mr. Cohen-Watnick’s reported role in helping Congressman Nunes turn the House Intelligence Committee investigation into a partisan breeding ground for conspiracy theories, his new position with the Attorney General at such a sensitive time is deeply troubling,” Matt House, Senator Chuck Schumer's spokesman said in a statement. “Mr. Cohen-Watnick must not come anywhere near the Mueller investigation, and Democrats will watch like a hawk to ensure that’s the case.”

Thugs gotta thug, and mob bosses gotta boss. Hence, Trump's mole is now in over at DOJ. Watch your back, Bob Mueller.

H.R. McMaster saw Cohen-Watnick as a threat. Now that he's gone, the thugs are free to roam about the administration without apology, apparently.

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