2018: Year Of The White Supremacist Candidate

2018 and the Trump era has causes a surge in the number of candidates running for office.

In the era of Republican hate politics, white supremacists are feeling their oats. According to reports, there are 8 white supremacists running for office in 2018: Patrick Little (CA-Sen), Arthur Jones (IL-03), both featured in the report above, and six others, including Paul Nehlen (WI-01) and Corey Stewart (VA-Sen).

Watch Arthur Jones tell reporter Morgan Radford that "black people are inferior." When she tells him she went to Harvard, Jones explains that it's her "white blood" fueling her intellect. He does this with a straight face and with absolute sincerity.

And then there is the case of Patrick Little, running against Dianne Feinstein for the Senate. In spite of the anemic denunciation by California Republicans, Little continues to mount a viable bid to run in the general election against Feinstein, a Jew.

Little thinks Jews are "monsters" who are to blame for every ill falling upon society. He is an avowed white supremacist and unabashed in his quest to spread hate to every corner of the state of California.

Neither of these candidates are likely to win, but that's hardly the point. We have not seen the rise of "out" white supremacists like this since the David Duke days, and even then there was more collective horror expressed than there is now. Here is a map of all the white supremacists running for office, via The Nation.

Here's my question: How does this genie go back in the bottle? How do we, as a society, say that we are unwilling to allocate ANY space to these haters? If we get rid of Trump we still have this poison infecting our politics like a cancer with no cure.

There has to be a cure.

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