Dana Milbank Calls Trump Out Over His Crybaby Trudeau Remarks
Milbank says if Trudeau's remarks are a knife in the back, Trump's remarks are full-out disembowelment.
Today on AM Joy, Joy Reid and The Washington Post's Dana Milbank discussed Larry Kudlow's boot-licking performance on CNN. Kudlow, of course, spewed Trump-speak BS about the state of our trade agreements with Canada, which they'd love for us all to believe are heavily weighted in Canada's favor. We poor, generous Americans are getting soooooooo screwed and taken advantage of by those sneaky and dark-souled Canadians.
Reid pointed out that we, of course, have a free trade pact with Canada -- called NAFTA, donchaknow? -- which is not hurting us nearly the way our agreements with China are.
Milbank agrees, and destroys Kudlow's and Trump's arguments by reminding us that Trump's own U.S. Trade Rep says we have a trade surplus with Canada. (Now, I'm no economist, but I'm pretty sure that is good for us.) Canada is the single largest buyer of U.S. products in the world.
He goes in for the kill, though, regarding Trump's whining about Trudeau's civil and restrained criticism of Trump's outrageous behavior regarding trade and at the G-7 Summit overall - having called it a "stab in the back."
MILBANK: If Trudeau's mild criticism is a "knife in the back," what President Trump is doing on a daily basis to people domestically and abroad is disemboweling them, chopping them up into little pieces and sticking them in the freezer.
Bon appetit.