Rob Reiner: No To 'Potential Criminal Choosing Our Next Supreme Court Justice'

Rob Reiner appealed to all Americans, regardless of ideology to put the brakes on any replacement for Anthony Kennedy.

Yesterday, right after the news broke that Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement, I tweeted this, hoping it would be noticed or echoed or that other people were thinking the same thing:

And now we are hearing from Sen. Cory Booker and others the same call. It is gratifying to hear a celebrity with the platform Rob Reiner has using it to say the same thing.

Just a few minutes ago on Hardball, Reiner put it plainly, appealing to people on both sides of the aisle. It's pretty simple, really, as he framed it.

"As an American, I would hope you don't want a potential criminal choosing one of our Supreme Court Justices," he told Chris Matthews.

Reiner went on to say he didn't really care if someone is pro-life or pro-choice, noting that he is pro-choice, for gay rights and civil rights, and the rest, but still...

"Wherever you come down ideologically," he repeated, "We can all agree that we shouldn't have a potential criminal choosing our next Supreme Court Justice."

Can I get an AMEN? If you agree, then please speak up in your communities, op-ed pages, and everywhere you have a voice on and off line.

It matters. We cannot have a justice whose ticket to the nomination includes some twisted loyalty oath to Donald Trump, especially when that same justice may be called upon to decide if King Trump can pardon himself.

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