Trump Tells Press: Russia No Longer Targets U.S. With Cyber Warfare (UPDATED)

Trump once again throws his intelligence services under the bus by ignoring their warnings of future cyber attacks on our democracy.

After Wednesday's cabinet meeting wrapped up, Trump responded to a reporter who asked if Russia is still targeting the U.S. by saying, “Thank you very much, no,”

After two days of beltway cacophony as a result of Trump's Helstinky summit with Russian president Vladimir Putin, Donald threw another wrench into America's intelligence services.

DNI Dan Coats just told the American people, "The warning signs are there. The system is blinking," over new Russian cyber-terrorism threats, but that was thrown out with the bathwater.

As Trump's people were trying to usher the press away, a reporter asked, "Is Russia still targeting the U.S., Mr. President?"

Trump replied, "Thank you very much, no,”

After saying "no," Trump then continued on with a little revisionism, "And I think President Putin knows that better than anybody certainly a lot better than the media. He understands it and he's not happy about it and he shouldn't be happy about it. Because there's never been a President as tough on Russia as I have been."

Too bad Trump was too cowardly to directly confront his "competitor" on the international stage. Even if he had said this and not sucked up to the Russian emperor, he'd have fared a bit better, but instead he meekly acquiesced to a murderous thug.

And then puts on a different show out of Putin's shadow, as if we have the memory of...a Fox News viewer?

That explains it.

UPDATE: Sarah Sanders is denying it now, creating two competing stories so they can use whichever one works, depending on the audience.

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