Melania Thinks She Trolled The Libs With Her Cruel Jacket

Silly woman. No one believed you when you said there was no message.

Gee, for a woman who complains about being the most bullied person in the galaxy former swimsuit model and new Family Reunification poster-girl Melania Trump sure does seem to give her critics lots of material.

After choosing an uncharacteristically cheap jacket, with an even cheaper message written on it to wear, this poor excuse for a FLOTUS was the target of waves of criticism. Her jacket read, "I don't really care, do you?" as she boarded the flight to visit (and allegedly comfort) toddlers and children torn from their parents at the border and kept in cages with metal blankets and zero human physical contact. But she is bullied, she says. And let's not forget, that she and her spokesperson claimed the jacket was just a silly jacket, people. Not meant to send a message of any kind whatsoever.

Like many things that come out of the horizontal slit beneath her "nose," that was a lie. I would say her husband is rubbing off on her, but I wouldn't want to leave anyone with that visual, because I am kind. Also, I doubt he is rubbing off on anyone, lately.

I digress. Anyhow, in her interview with ABC News, she admits she was sending a message with the jacket. Which is it, lady?

Hmmmmm. Wore something completely tasteless and cruel just to "own the libs?" To tell the media that she doesn't care what they say? She's going to do what's RIGHT? When, tell me WHEN has she done anything that is right? Moral? Generous? Kind? Selfless?

I'll just be over here waiting until I have officially become worm food for my answer.

Meanwhile, over in the Twitterverse...

Ouch. That one hurts with how true it is.

^^^ From my favorite Twitter Account, The Hoarse Whisperer... "Ya gets what ya get." No more complaining outta you, Mellie.

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