'Fox And Friends' Tries To Bury Ivanka's Email Scandal

The 'Fox and Friends" three co-hosts didn't mention the Ivanka Trump private email scandal the first hour. Wonder why?

Fox and Friends spent all of twenty seconds at the tail end of the first hour in a news flash segment by presenter Jillian Mele, to cover the Ivanka Trump private email story.

Instead, they took the side of Ivanka's comm team, who are desperately scrambling to bury this story as "nothing."

Fox and Friends and almost all of Fox News took the side of the Trump campaign for the entire 2016 election by attacking the FBI investigation and wanting Hillary Clinton to be prosecuted for using a private server for her emails. And when they get the chance they still promote the idea that she broke the law and should be punished to this day.

But when the Washington Post broke the news that Ivanka did the same thing as HRC, Trump's favorite cable program buried the lede as if nothing really happened.

Fox and Friends spent most of their early program fearmongering the migrant caravan, complaining that a judge upheld Congressional law against Trump's executive order to stop asylum seekers.

They also complained that the big network news shows weren't covering the migrant caravan.
They even provided a nice graphic to attack them with.

Co-host Steve Doocy was very upset.

Doocy said, "And yet who covered the caravan last night? ABC zero seconds. NBC zero seconds and CBS did do a paragraph updating the folks on the status of that."

Here's how Fox News framed the Ivanka email story during a news flash segment.

After spending about 21 seconds on the California wildfires, Mele said, "Ivanka Trump’s lawyer is slamming a report she used her private email for government business. The Washington Post claims the White House advisor may have violated federal rules by using her personal account to communicate with officials. A spokesperson for Trump’s lawyer tells Fox News, quote: There was never classified information transmitted. The account was never transferred or housed at Trump organization. No emails were ever deleted."

See, nothing to worry about, Ivanka's team said so.

Not a peep from the three Trump surrogates about Ivanka until Jillian Mele covered it. And when the co-hosts came back on-air? They just ignored the report entirely.

Well, The House Democrats aren't ignoring the story and plan to investigate Ivanka.

The House Oversight Committee plans to investigate whether Ivanka Trump violated federal law by using a personal email account for government business, a Democratic staffer on the committee said Tuesday.

“We plan to continue our investigation of the Presidential Records Act and Federal Records Act, and we want to know if Ivanka complied with the law,” said the aide, who was not authorized to speak publicly.

It's amazing how "but her emails" is hushed up now that it's a Trump and a Republican. Pure hypocrisy.

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