Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Smacks Back At Kellyanne Conway
As Republicans try to demonize another young female from the left. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez proves she is no punching bag.

After Kellyanne Conway unceremoniously attacked the newly elected Congresswoman from NY-14 on Fox News' America's Newsroom on Tuesday, Ocasio-Cortez took to Twitter and fired back, calling into question Conway's "War on Facts."
Remember, Conway infamously coined the term "alternative facts" to defend Trump and his people (Sean Spicer) from being criticized for lying to the American people.
Conway was discussing Trump's search for a new COS, when out-of-the-blue she veered off and leveled a juvenile attack against Alexandria because she called on John Kelly apologize to Rep. Frederica Wilson, who he smeared with lies months ago.
Conway: "The nonsense that's been spewed about him from recently the left and from this 29-year-old who doesn't seem to know much about anything when you ask her basic concepts about the economy, the middle east, military funding. Really embarrassing."
For a second I thought she was talking about Trump, her boss.
She continued, “And for her to even use a slur against him yesterday. I won’t repeat her name or the slur, but let me stand up for General John Kelly. He has done a magnificent job for this country for almost 50 years,” Conway said.
Alexandria responded:
And Ocasio-Cortez is correct since during Sean Spicer's very first White House press conference he lied, as MTP's Chuck Todd said, over a "small and petty thing like the size of Trump's inauguration crowd.
At this point in her life, the 29-year-old Ocasio-Cortez will make some mistakes as she continues growing into a Congresswoman? Of course. But she will continue to grow.
At 71 years-old, what's Trump's excuse?
And I do love that Alexandria doesn't let any buffoon from the right get away with uncontested smears.
Up to a point, that is.
How she handled Mike Huckabee should be an example to the conservarazzi.
UPDATE: Also this: