Fox And Friends Flies To Trump's Rescue On Weird Christmas Call To 7 Year-Old Child

Donald Trump's Fox Friends jumped to his rescue Wednesday morning by bashing the media for reacting to his dreadful call on Christmas Eve, though they did admit the conversation was awkward.

Donald Trump's Fox Friends jumped to his rescue Wednesday morning by bashing the media for reacting to his dreadful call on Christmas Eve, though they did admit the conversation was awkward.

Fox and Friends, helmed by Christmas subs Griff Jenkins, Katie Pavlich and Todd Piro opened up their program playing video of Trump's Christmas phone call and then bashed the media as they usually do.

Griff Jenkins, who we last saw jumping from behind bushes at the border to surprise and attack migrants trying to get into America, opened with the usual glorification of Donald Trump.

Griff said, "President Trump could jump into a river and save a drowning 7-year-old child and the headline would read ‘Trump Proves: Can’t Swim.'”

Griff's headline would be 'Trump walks on water and turns water into wine. Is he Jesus reborn?'

Pavlich said the parents of the little girl were quite happy with the call and it lasted an entire six minutes. Wow.

"And look, was it perfectly artful? Probably not, but at the end of the day, can we have just one day when we just have fun?" Todd Piro asked.

Hey Todd, can Trump go one day without making a fool of himself and America? Just one day? Don't you think we here at C&L would like to have a few days off during the holidays and not have to cover such bilge coming from a POTUS?

Pavlich chimed in that the little girl still believes in Santa!

"It's a fun day, no harm, no foul --and to your point Griff, he can literally can do no right, even if it’s innocuous.”

I guess Fox News is more upset about Trump's criticisms over the call then the hundreds of thousands of federal workers that are not getting paid because Trump kowtowed to Rush Limbaugh after a bipartisan deal was struck in Congress to fund a continuing resolution.

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