April Ryan Lays Into Sarah Sanders For Lying

April Ryan told Erin Burnett Sarah Huckabee Sanders should be fired for lying to the press and the American people.

For the better part of 2 years, April Ryan has had to put up with Sarah Huckabee Sanders' snark, rudeness and racism. Today, she finally had enough

Addressing the issue of Sanders' random and blatant lie about the FBI rank-and-file's reaction to Comey's firing, Ryan was blunt. "Not only does she not have credibility, she lied. She out and out lied!"

Warming up, she continued, "The American people can’t trust Sarah Sanders. She should be let go. She should be fired, end of story. It’s fire me Thursday or fire me Good Friday. She needs to go."

She was just getting started. All her frustration at how Sanders, acting as Trump's mouthpiece, has harmed her personally came pouring out in one final litany, with the repeated call for her firing.

It's about time Sanders was called out. She ascended to that podium and lied through her teeth, to the point where she won't even hold briefings anymore. So yes, she should be fired. And fired immediately.

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