Sarah Huckabee Sanders Lies About Her Lie
Sarah Huckabee Sanders speaks lie fluently, even when she's cleaning up her own mess over a lie. Here she tells Hannity a lie to cover her lie outlined in the Mueller report.
After being featured in the Mueller report for her fabulous lie, Sarah Huckabee Sanders paid a visit to Sean Hannity to clean up her mess, which of course means lying about her lie.
And who better than Sean Hannity to do it with, where the boss is sure to see her and explain how it isn't a lie even though it is clearly a lie?
It's Orwellian, isn't it? At any rate, the lying press secretary would like everyone to know she didn't lie as much as she messed up one teeny little word. It was just a "slip of the tongue" when she said countless FBI agents were happy FBI director Comey was fired. Nothing to see here. Nothing at all.
After Hannity set the table for her, Sanders said, Look, I acknowledge that I had a slip of the tongue when I used the word "countless," but it's not untrue."
Oh yes, it certainly is untrue, Sarah.
She added, "And certainly, you just echoed exactly the sentiment and the point that I was making, is that a number of both current and former FBI agents agreed with the president."
No, they didn't.
Here's a little walk down memory lane, courtesy of Andrew McCabe, while under oath:
"We are a large organization. We are 36,500 people across this country, across this globe. We have a diversity of opinions about many things, but I can confidently tell you that the majority, the vast majority of FBI employees enjoyed a deep and positive connection to Director Comey," McCabe said.
Who is more believable? The lying liar, or the guy her lying boss fired for telling the truth?