Wingnut Evangelical Claims 'Holy Spirit Has Issued An Indictment' Against Hillary Clinton
Dave Daubenmire ramps up the echo chamber set in motion by Boss Limbaugh and Fox News to engage and enrage Donald Trump's base.
If you are a so-called "President" and you have nothing to show for your first two years in office beyond a miserable tax cut bill that cost taxpayers a lot of money last April 15th, and are facing numerous Congressional investigations because you're mostly a mob boss and not a president, what do you do?
Of course! You ramp up the hordes of insane people who support you, turn up the echo chamber to maximum volume and find yourself an old enemy. Like, for example, Hillary Clinton, who is not running for anything at all anywhere. So she is the bogeyman because Trump knows he can't actually do anything about the 19 Democratic primary candidates who ARE running.
Dave Daubenmire was the catalyst for an ACLU lawsuit in 1999 for preaching to his players and praying with them on the football field of the very public London High School in Ohio. The ACLU sued and won. After he left his coaching position, he was unable to be hired by other schools, so he turned to the Internet to proselytize in the name of right-wing politics. Most recently, Daubenmire was an ardent supporter of Judge Roy Moore's candidacy, and he is of course an ardent Trump supporter with a listener base of hard-right wing evangelicals.
Monday, Daubenmire drove from his home in Ohio to Chappaqua, New York, so he could stand in front of Hillary Clinton's home to demand that Trump arrest Hillary because "God told him to."
So we're clear, God told him nothing of the sort. This is the right-wing message machine grinding up their gears and spewing talking points across the land. I guarantee you that they sent out talking points to everyone even while Donald Trump was playing golf with Boss Rush Limbaugh Saturday afternoon, and it's why Rush spewed his noxious fumes onto the airwaves Tuesday.
Daubenmire wants credit, though, claiming that he got the 4-1-1 from the Lord before Rush even had a twinkle in his eye. No, really.
Transcript follows, via Right Wing Watch:
The same Holy Spirit that influenced Coach Dave influenced Rush Limbaugh. Don’t you understand that the same Holy Spirit that speaks to me is the same Holy Spirit that can speak to Rush Limbaugh and he doesn’t even know it?
I’m believing that this ‘indict Hillary’ spark has been lit and she ain’t going to get out from under it. There ain’t anywhere she can run. She can run but she cannot hide. The Holy Spirit has issued an indictment because we will never have free government in America if this criminal goes off scot-free simply because her ‘father’—the devil, in my honest opinion—has declared it so.
My daddy said, ‘Coach, you go say, “Indict,” and I’m going to do something that is going to smack her daddy down.’ My daddy is bigger than her daddy.
For those of you rolling your eyes wondering why in the hell I am featuring this guy, just remember that this man and others like him are influencing and intentionally infuriating Trump's evangelical base. He is being rewarded handsomely for it, too.
Here's how his coffers have swelled since leaving his job as a public school teacher:
In 2014, his nonprofit organization received grants of $90,000 and paid him a salary of $24,200.
In 2015, the year that the Republican primary started, grants were $158,000 and he received salary of around $20,000 while funneling another $48,000 or so to "other exempt ministries."
In 2016, things really started to take off. In that year, grants leaped to $264,000, he received salary of $37,000, and funneled another $126,000 off to "ministry expenses."
The 2017 990 is not yet publicly available, but Ohio's Attorney General helpfully supplied some information. Grants in 2017 leaped again, this time to $370,900. Odd how that works in an age where evangelicals are key to Trump's ongoing capture of evangelicals in spite of his thieving, mafia ways, isn't it? There's no information about how those funds were spent, but it's reasonable to assume Daubenmire got another big raise and a likely cut of the "ministry expenses."
This is an industry, with a specific purpose. We call BS on it, because someone has to unmask the pretenders.