Sen. Blumenthal: Don Jr 'Ought To Be Jailed' If He Defies Senate Subpoena

It is time for a round of Lock Him Up, Senate style. Senator Blumenthal is in no mood for Don Junior's games.

Don Junior isn't very bright, and neither is his daddy. Earlier today, Daddy had a hissy about the subpoena issued to his firstborn to come to the Senate and clear up the inconsistencies in his testimony.

Later, word oozed out that Trump may be advising him to defy the subpoena, which would be a terribly bad call on Daddy's part.

The Washington Post reports that the subpoena was issued at least a week ago, "but a person close to Trump Jr. argued that no lawyer would allow him to go back to the panel for open-ended questioning."

Senator Richard Blumenthal has a warning for Junior: Do not try to defy the subpoena and do not try to claim executive privilege.

"If Donald Trump Jr. defies the subpoena, he ought to be jailed," Blumenthal told CNN reporter Manu Raju. "He has no privilege."

He added, "He may be the president's son, but he is not above the law."

Indeed. Lock him up.

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