Who DIDN'T Warn Trump About Michael Flynn?

Donald Trump wants to claim he didn't know about Michael Flynn now, after he fired people for telling him the truth?

Donald Trump actually had the nerve to tweet a complaint that no one warned him about Michael Flynn.

“It now seems the General Flynn was under investigation long before was common knowledge. It would have been impossible for me to know this but, if that was the case, and with me being one of two people who would become president, why was I not told so that I could make a change?” the Lying Liar tweeted.

Compulsive liars are compelled to lie when they're caught in one, and Donald Trump has been hosed by Judge Emmet Sullivan's directive to unredact the portions of the Mueller report which Barr redacted to protect Trump and the campaign.

Part of Judge Sullivan's order was that the government should publish transcripts of two key conversations by no later than May 31st. These conversations -- one with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak about holding off on retaliation for then-President Obama's sanctions and one with Trump's private attorney at the time (John Dowd) -- were redacted from the Mueller report, along with references to Wikileaks and the campaign's interest in coordinating with them. Those unredacted sections certainly make it clear there was coordination, possible conspiracy, and certainly COLLUSION. The conversation transcripts are likely to show that Flynn promised sanctions would be eased once Trump took office.

But make no mistake, the Liar-in-Chief was informed. Many times.

Raw Story notes that Trump had many warnings. Here's a summary:

President Obama warned about Flynn, but Trump ignored him because...well, it was President Obama.

Rep. Elijah Cummings put his warnings in writing to VP-elect Mike Pence, warning about Flynn's work in Turkey and a Russian speech.

Chris Christie warned Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump about Flynn in November 2016, but Kushner ignored those warnings and instead told Flynn to make contact with Ambassador Kislyak.

Flynn informed White House counsel Don McGahn just before the inaugural that he was being investigated.

And that's all before we get to Sally Yates. How could we possibly forget Sally Yates? There she is at the top of the page, saying yet again that her warnings were perfectly clear: She was concerned that Flynn had been compromised and was vulnerable to blackmail because of his contacts with Kislyak.

She was fired for her trouble, remember?

And Donald Trump kept Michael Flynn on as NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER for another 15 days.

He knows the walls are closing in. Just wait until Amy Berman Jackson unredacts the Roger Stone portion of the report.

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