Donald: Federal Reserve Are 'Not His People' Even Though He Chose 4 Out Of 5

During Trump's phoner into CNBC, he apparently forgot that the current Fed panel is one of his creation.

On Monday while taking his "Executive Time," Donald Trump called into CNBC after the Vice President of the US Chamber of Commerce was on Squawk Box, so he could bash the Federal Reserve and defend his idiotic trade tariffs.

As Fran wrote, "It turns out Donald was watching TV during "executive time" and saw the VP of the US Chamber of Commerce criticizing his tariffs. So he called into the network because he literally has nothing better to do."

Trump whined to host Joe Kernen, "We have people on the Fed that really weren’t, you know, they’re not my people...”

I knew something smelled fishy over his " they’re not my people ' comment about the Fed. Then I remembered that he appointed most of them, not counting the disastrous choices of Herman Cain and Stephen Moore, failed candidates compelled to withdraw or which Trump was forced to withdraw, because neither was competent for the job.

When he refers to "his people," he obviously means those that do not kowtow to his every whim or off-the-cuff remark whenever he combs back his hair.

Catherine Rampell writes that Trump has been bashing the federal reserve of late:

On Monday, in a rambling, petulant interview on CNBC, Trump once again lambasted the U.S. central bank, which he called “very destructive.” Four of the five sitting Fed board governors were Trump picks, including Fed Chair Jerome H. Powell, who was first appointed to the board by President Barack Obama and then elevated to chair by Trump.

As usual Donald Trump has no idea how government works and this includes the federal reserve so he wastes his time making ridiculous comparisons and demands from the government agencies he is supposed to represent.

"Once again, the Fed’s congressionally set dual mandate is maximum employment and stable prices. It is not — despite Trump’s insistence otherwise — maximum stock market values and helping the president gain leverage in his ill-advised trade wars."

The idea that a President of the United States would lie with such impunity for no reason at all even when it comes to the board that makes up the Federal Reserve is really mindnumbing. Even for Trump.

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