Former Fox News Reporter Scorches Opinion Hosts: 'More Than I Could Stand'

Former Fox correspondent Carl Cameron called the access that hosts like Hannity have to Trump "questionable, if not dangerous."

The correspondent formerly known at Fox as "Campaign Carl" Cameron is taking on his former employer: Ex-Fox News Reporter Shreds The ‘Partisan Misinformation’ At His Old Network:

Cameron, who left Fox News in 2017 after 22 years, announced he’s joining the new progressive website called Front Page Live. And he didn’t hold back on his old employer.

“I was one of Fox’s first hires. The idea of fair and balanced news appealed to me,” he says in a clip announcing his new gig. “But over the years, the right-wing hosts drowned out straight journalism with partisan misinformation. I left.”

He said that gives him “unique insight and understanding of how the right operates.”

Cameron joined Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter to discuss his new venture, and didn't mince words when it comes to the hosts that are considered "opinion journalists," or his feelings about Trump, but Cameron gave the so-called "straight news" anchors way too much credit. Other than Shep Smith, most of them are just as bad as the prime time anchors when it comes to spreading lies and right wing propaganda, although Hannity is still the king in that department:

BRIAN STELTER (HOST): Yeah I think about the change at Fox over the years with Sean Hannity as the perfect example. Right, the show starts out as Hannity & Colmes. He has a liberal sidekick, co-host, they battle it out, and then he goes away and it's just Hannity's show now, and now he's doing a version of the nightly news that's an anti-Democrat, you know, fest. You know, that's the evolution of Fox. It started out with that illusion of fair and balanced, where Alan Colmes was there with Hannity, and now it's just all Hannity.

CARL CAMERON (FORMER FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT): Well, and I'll take it another step actually: the access that some at Fox have in the entertainment side to the president is questionable, if not dangerous. It's not normal. There have been presidents who have confided in the press directly. Lyndon Johnson used to do it a great deal. There are some who've kept a great distance, but they need to be understood as allied. And unfortunately, in the name -- in cable news, an awful lot of it is ideology and entertainment, and opinion, and yet it's still on television, to some, looks like it's news, and there is a big, big difference.

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