Meghan McCain Opines That Trump's Race-Baiting Is 'Not A Winning Narrative'
So says the woman who was once happily employed by the network that has thrived off of race-baiting and birtherism.
What's that saying about people and glass houses? Meghan McCain, daughter of the late John McCain and co-host of ABC's The View has been outspoken lately about Trump's open racism and her party's cowardice in refusing to call it out, but as we've discussed here, she's also part of the ongoing Republican rebranding effort by never-Trumpers, who will do their best to pretend that this out and proud, openly racist administration is shoveled to the dustbin of history and never spoken about again once we're finally free of this scourge on our country, and she was also happy to work for a network that openly thrived on birtherism and continues to stoke racial tensions in America if it benefits Republicans.
And for all of the praise heaped on her father, he was more than happy to pick the race-baiting Sarah Palin for a running mate, and neither she or her father have apparently been bothered enough by their party's long history of stoking racial resentment to win votes to change party affiliations, so cry me a river when listening to her complain about whether it's a "winning narrative" or not to have someone who is just openly racist and proud of it sitting in the White House:
When the president puts out tweets like this, it just fumbles over his own narrative and instead of talking about the things like infrastructure bill, how well the economy’s doing, instead he seems to be race-baiting and moving on top of the incendiary comments about sending the congresswomen back from last week, and there’s, quite frankly, a lot of pain in the country right now.
I think when you’re seeing CNN hosts getting outwardly emotional on air -- I know on our show there’s been a lot of pain, we can tell just on-air and from people coming into the studio as well. And this is not a winning narrative that's going to move Republicans forward in this election and what I worry about -- I’m 34 years old -- what are we going to do with the next generation of conservatives?
Because this is what they’re going to see. They’re going to see these headlines and as you say, instead of talking about the substance that really matters, we're talking about whether or not the president is racist or not.