USCIS Head Cuccinelli Refuses To Accept Responsibility For Horrid Conditions At Detention Facilities

Acting United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Ken Cuccinelli gave the Trump administration's stock answer to everything when confronted with their failures: it's the Democrats' fault.

Fox News Sunday guest host Dana Perino failed to remind Cuccinelli that his boss and his party had control of the House, the Senate and the presidency for two years if they wanted these laws changed. Here's the acting USCIS Director blaming our asylum laws and Democrats for the horrid conditions that have been reported at the overcrowded detention centers at the border.

Acting United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Ken Cuccinelli on Sunday blamed critics of the Trump administration’s immigration policies for conditions at border detention facilities, saying that they had created the conditions.

“This is a pipeline, Border Patrol’s at the front of the pipeline, [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] is the next stage of the pipeline and their detention beds are not only full, they’re over-full,” Cuccinelli said on “Fox News Sunday.” “Once you’re over those capacity points you encounter problems.”

Cuccinelli accused House Democrats of creating the influx by not fixing “loopholes you could drive a truck through” in the asylum application process, accusing critics of detention facilities of it was the “height of hypocrisy” for House Democrats to criticize conditions at the facilities of “complaining about the numbers they’re attracting.”

It's a pattern with this administration any time they get negative press coverage. It's always someone else's fault.

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