Fox Pundit Pretends There's A Chance Trump Will Lead Conversation On White Nationalist Terrorism

The only thing we'll see the racist-in-chief do is stoke more of it.

I hate to break it to the Wall Street Journal's Gerald Seib, but it will be a cold day in hell before Trump ever takes the lead when it comes to white nationalists, other than stoking their hatred of black and brown people and validating them.

Seib was asked by Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace what can be done about the sort of mass shootings we saw over the weekend in Texas and Ohio, and after poo-pooing the notion that there can ever be any kind of gun control legislation passed (conveniently without mentioning the NRA), Seib suggested we should have a "conversation" about white nationalist terrorists and that Trump is in a position to lead it.

Yeah, good luck with that.

WALLACE: Gerry, after the carnage this weekend, there have now been 22 mass killings, not shootings, killings. That means 4 or more people killed, not including the shooter, so far this year. Anything that can be done to stop them? Anything that will be done to stop them?

SEIB: Well, I mean, you now are in a situation where you've had more Americans killed in domestic terrorist incidents than international terrorist incidents since 9-11. So, yeah, something ought to be discussed.

I don't know that anything can be done. I mean, as you said in the earlier segment, we've been here before right? What I find odd about the reaction to this is the people who say don't politicize the event. Well, this is kind of what the political system exists for, to discuss exactly this kind of thing.

I don't think there will be any gun control legislation. That's, I mean, we've been down that path before.

I think there probably can be, should be, a conversation about white nationalist terrorism, and I think the president is in a position to be part of that and maybe even to lead that conversation. Whether that will happen or not, we'll see.

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