Trump Lies: 'Our Military Had No Ammunition'

Another "sir" lie, h/t David Fahrenthold.

There is no lie too big or unbelievable enough that Trump will not tell it to the American people.

Since he announced his candidacy in 2015, he's been claiming the United State military was completely broken, obsolete, and defunct even though our defense spending surpasses the next seven countries combined.

Trump has repeatedly claimed over and over again that the United States would be at war with North Korea if he did not intervene.

That's another big, fat lie, of course.

At the White House on Monday, Trump was discussing his decision of removing troops from Syria and he went into this bizarre soliloquy.

"We have a great military now," he said.

Trump continued, “When I took over our military, we didn't have ammunition, I was told by a top general, maybe the top of them all. ‘Sir, I’m sorry sir, we don’t have ammunition.’ I said I will never let that happen to another president have that happen to him or her.”

Again, this is insane and made far worse coming from the commander in chief of our entire military forces. Our troops at least need to hear the truth from the man who can order them into battle.

David Clay Johnson explains the lie:

Not only did the military have literally tons and tons and tons of ammunition, it has so much more than it could use that Congressional investigators recommended giving more away to state and local policing agencies.

That report was for the year 2016, Obama’s last in office, putting the lie to what Trump fantasized that he encountered in January 2017.

Editor's note (Frances Langum): Never forget that when Trump says "sir" it's a tell that he's lying. h/t Daniel Dale, outlined here.

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